Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM / Sat & Sun - Holiday
Solar Harbour is committed to respond to our customer feedback in a timely efficient manner. We endeavor to resolve all customer complaints in a prompt and timely fashion, however there are times that some take precedence over others. The Complaints are managed effectively which includes the solar system issues, service issues, employee/installer and sales consultant issues. Any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance about any of our products supplied and the services provided by solar harbour is been handled by Solar harbour.
On receipt of a complaint, of any form Solar Harbour will have Customer details listed below:
We will identify the issue based on the details provided within the reasonable time period which is not more than 5 business days.
Any urgent complaints to be emailed to the Administration Manager with the subject line of “Priority Complaint”
The Administration manager will reach the client as soon as possible, definitely within 24 business hours, and will identify the issues to be rectified and required to be resolved.
For Solar System functioning issues, an electrician will be sent to evaluate the issue within 36-48 hours of our office being notified of the issue, to assess the condition and issues with the system complained. We will endeavour to resolve all complaints at the time they are raised. However, if the issue/complaint requires further investigation we’ll aim to resolve it within 14 business days. We will also inform the customer the ways and action step taken to resolve it, within five working days.
If the complaint is not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, we will escalate and expedite the request to higher authority depending upon the nature of the complaint, but we’re committed to resolving all complaints within 14 working days of receiving them unless there is a clear reason for extending the timeline.
In some unexpected exceptional circumstances, if we were not able to resolve the complaint within 14 working days, we will contact the customer and explain the reason for the delay and give them a new time frame for resolving the same. While a complaint is being investigated and worked upon, the complainant will be provided with updates through phone calls and emails about the status. If Solar Harbour requires additional time to resolve the complaint, the investigation will be completed within 45 days of the receipt of the complaint.
If the customer is not happy with how their complaint has been resolved customer can contact Fair Trading NSW. Any non-compliance of Solar Retailer Code of Conduct may be raised to CEC or Solar Harbour.
Contact details of the respective offices are provided as below.
Solar Harbour Office Number : 1300 252 090 / 02 96768421
Email :
Website :
Department of Fair Trading (NSW) : 13 32 20
Department of Fair Trading (QLD) : 13 74 68
Department of Fair Trading (ACT) : (02) 6207 3000