As of February 2021, more than 7,333 small-scale systems with a total capability of 41,174 kW had been deployed in the Beaumont Hills.
With a population of 54,095, this equates to 761 watts per person in the city, compared to the Australian average of 580 watts. There are approximately 16,510 dwellings in the Beaumont Hills, resulting in 44 solar panel systems per 100 dwellings, which is higher than the Australian average of 29.
Based on a modest average of 155,347 kWh of energy generated each day (enough to fuel the equivalent of 9,709 homes) and retail electricity costs of 29c per kilowatt-hour, Beaumont Hills residents generate $16,443,442 in energy at retail rates per year!
Beaumont Hills solar power system operators are already helping to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, with installations in the 2155 area avoiding 46,495 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.
Beaumont Hills Solar Electricity Resources
Over a year, the solar irradiation rate in Beaumont Hills ranges about 4.5 kilowatt-hours per square meter per day.
Solar Energy Savings in Beaumont Hills
Beaumont Hills solar power system owners should plan to save $1,446 a year based on a 6kW system build, a self-consumption average of 50%, and the bottom end of the feed-in tariff spectrum rate of 6c.
New South Wales Feed In Tariffs
Beaumont Hills solar system installation owners will be charged for excess energy provided in addition to supplying power to their homes. Feed-in tariffs in NSW currently range from 6c to 17c per kilowatt-hour exported, so comparing energy retailers for the cheapest electricity package in the 2155 region is critical.